NAFSI's products are stored in limited quantities in two locations; The United Arab Emirates & Canada. Garments are handcrafted using sustainable fabrics — organic Egyptian cotton or upcycled materials from the local atelier. 

This article dives into SLOW FASHION and why NAFSI chooses to operate this way. 

“Every time you spend money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want.” — Anna Lappé

It’s easy to shop cheap, fast fashion. And it’s easy to shop often. But the choice is also there to shop slow, ethically and sustainably. Like all things in life, with great choice comes great responsibility.


What is Slow Fashion? 

Many sources define slow fashion by describing what it’s not. For instance, slow fashion is the antithesis of fast fashion. Slow fashion slows down the pace of shopping and consumption to ask the tough, deeper questions.

"Who made my clothes?"
"What danger do these fibers have on the environment?"
"How did they manage to dye it this color?"

Slow fashion is a natural lifestyle choice

Slow fashion is conscious, purposeful & intentional

Slow fashion is timeless

It does not follow trends
It takes a long-term view as opposed to the fast fashion short-term view

Slow fashion is about quality over quantity

Garments that can last a lifetime
Products are not disposable
Does not believe the current societal norms that "more is more" and "faster and cheaper are better"

Slow fashion is sustainable

It is holistic and considers the whole product lifecycle
It is ethical and looks at the connection between things — raw materials, the environment, human labor, etc.

"Slow fashion doesn't follow trends. A trend is a trap. That's what trends are — a search for something 'safe'. Something someone said was stylish. NAFSI builds off basic, timeless fashion focusing on a style that truly appeals to you." — Celine Hajjar, Founder


Slow Fashion vs Ethical Fashion & Sustainable Fashion

The best way to describe slow fashion is that it’s conscious, intentional, and holistic. Intentionally considering the holistic lifecycle of a product from its ideation, raw materials, manufacturing/production, its supply chain/shipping, and ultimately with consumer use and end-of-life disposal.

There seems to be a lot of confusion between slow fashion, ethical fashion and sustainable fashion. There is a lot of overlap between these concepts. Here’s how ethical fashion and sustainable fashion are often defined:

Ethical Fashion:

  • Ethical fashion is concerned with human and animal rights. As it relates to humans, ethical fashion applies to working conditions, fair wages and treatment, and no child labor.

Sustainable Fashion:

  • Also known as Eco Fashion, sustainable fashion is often concerned with the environmental impact. Opting for fibers and materials that are organic, recycled, or repurposed, limiting harmful chemicals/dyes, reducing energy/water usage and waste, and overall choosing low-impact options wherever possible.

Slow Fashion considers the ethical and sustainable practices highlighted above.

Getting Started with Slow Fashion

Humans are consumers. But have the choice to make regarding what is consumed and how much is consumed of it. 

If you would like to begin being a conscious or mindful consumer when it comes to clothing, here are some ways to get started:

1. When Shopping & Buying:

Remember that your spending is voting for the world you want.

  • Avoid fast fashion brands
  • Do your homework to avoid greenwashing (brands that say they are slow/ethical/sustainable in their marketing but don’t live it)
  • Look for brand transparency (do they give you all the information about their raw materials, manufacturing, supply chain, pricing, etc.?)
  • Search for ethical and sustainable brands/products... such as NAFSI
  • Consider smaller local brands/businesses
  • Buy higher quality that will last longer
  • Buy timeless designs and season-less styles vs seasonal trends 

2. Once You Own Something:

  • Love the few things you own. If you have less, you can celebrate those few things more.
  • Don’t treat anything as disposable
  • Consider the product lifecycle to keep things out of landfills (repair, donate, upcycle, etc)


KYLE KOWALSKI via SLOWW // slow fashion 

Read NAFSI's materials & manufacturing process to better understand where your pieces come from.